Deanna used to listen to the world on her father’s rig c. 1976
This photo was taken right after Deanna passed the Novice exam in 1986
A Note About K9DID
Deanna’s Uncle Ben was approaching his 50th year as a ham when he passed away suddenly in 2005. Instead of letting his call fall back into the pool to be reassigned to a stranger, the family decided that Deanna should assume the K9DID call, thus ensuring that Ben’s life-long affiliation with ham radio would continue.
Deanna was exposed to ham radio while in the womb. She grew up exploring National Geographics and encyclopedias to learn about the DX countries her father, Ron, had worked. Years later she surprised him by secretly studying for, and passing, the Novice test. One of her proudest achievements was organizing the Special Event Station K4P and operating from the Pentagon on the first anniversary of the 9-11 attacks in honor of the hams who assisted with emergency communications that day. Deanna is now an Extra who still gets excited working DX, but it would be a toss-up between her and her father over who gets more excited when they work DX!

Member of the Young Ladies Radio League